汉字解释 音序A----ai; an 哀;爱;安;岸

2022-06-26 19:08:24

哀 āi, 是形声字。《说文》中说:“哀,闵也,从口,衣声。” 哀表示从人口中发出的声音,本义指“怜悯”,如《诗经》:“哀此鳏寡。”引申为“悲伤”


 related to the voice people make from their mouths. The original meaning is pity take pity on. Now it also means sorrow;  grief.



 ài,是会意字。“爱”的古字形像人双手捧着心,把心交给别人。本义是对人或事物有很深的感情。如《左传 隐公三年》:“父慈子孝,兄爱弟敬。”引申为“怜惜、爱护,”如“爱面子”“爱公物”。又引申为“喜欢、爱好”,如“爱劳动”“爱看电影”。


“爱”的简体,顶上是呵护的手指,中间是屋顶,下面是两只紧握的手。所以顶上是手hand,中间是屋顶roof,下面是朋友的“友” two hands joined together. 我们可以想象成一句话:“Your friend must LOVE(爱) you very much if he is willing to lend you a hand with the construction of your house!如果你的朋友愿意施以援手让你建房子,他一定很爱你!


 ài, the ancient Character looks like a person is holding his heart and give it to others, so its related to love, like, care, cherish.



 ān 是会意字。《说文》:“安,静也。从女在宀下。”“安”的古字形像女子在屋内,表示安全本义是“平安”,如《诗 小雅 常棣》:“丧乱既平,既安且宁。”后引申出安定”“对某种环境、事物感到安适或习惯”等意义,如“坐立不安”“安于现状”。


也可以想象成一句话:A woman good at managing household can bring PEACE(安宁、和平) and tranquility(稳定、安宁) into the house. 一个懂得持家的女人能给你的家带来安宁。


 ānthe ancient Character looks like a female under the roof, which symbolizes safety. then its related to  peace; quiet; be satisfied with the situation .

 àn 是形声字。《说文》:“岸,水厓而高者。”  yá,不是常用词 同"" "",水边。 “岸” 的古字形中部像水边高起之地,上部“山”表义, 下部“干”表声。本义是水边的高地。

岸 àn,means shore, river bank...

参考资料: 《汉字图解字典》 许慎 原著;  说辞解字辞书研究中心 编著

                     《汉字图解学习手册》David Su Liqun 编著; 商务印书馆 出版


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